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Bathroom Tiles
Behavior Analysts using the science of ABA to help your family reach potty training goals

About Us

Welcome! We are mommas & Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) here to share our potty training experience & expertise with you. Our passion is to help families potty train confidently, quickly, and effectively.


Potty training can be such a frustrating experience, and sometimes it seems never ending- despite having never done it before or having tackled it multiple times. Every situation & child is different.


We have worked with countless families to help them reach their potty training goals- whether they haven't started potty training, tried & not been successful, been partially successful, and/or just needed some help troubleshooting along the way.


Our approach consists of scientifically-backed methods & techniques proven to be effective by research in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).


Potty training can take up so much time and physical/emotional energy, especially when you are not sure what direction to go in next. Our hope is to give you tools that empower you through your potty training journey.


Now, let's get your child on the potty! We can't wait to meet you!




Liz Van Dorn


Maura Weaver





It's Potty Time!
Starter Package

This is our most extensive package & includes everything that you need to start the potty training process. After purchasing, you will be contacted with an assessment form. From there, we will provide a plan for how to start potty training as well as materials/data sheets to help you stay organized. These resources & information are relayed to you through an initial, individualized training along with follow-up consultation(s) equaling a total of 2 hours.

Potty Training

Consultations are broken into 30-minute increments. After you purchase, you will be contacted to complete an assessment form before scheduling your consultation. These conversations can be used to ask unlimited questions & troubleshoot any challenges that may arise once you have already started the potty training process. Following each call, you will receive a follow-up email with a recap of what was discussed throughout your consultation. 

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